Friday, July 31, 2009


The first official week of rehearsal for the 2009-2010 Cardinal Bands has come to a close. There's still a pocket of 5 students that I have not seen or heard from, but from the attendees- I can tell you pretty confidently that this band is going to sound very good!!! I'm excited with how quickly and willing our freshmen class has been in picking up proper marching style and learning music.

Monday, July 27, 2009

8 July!!!

I hate to admit, but I haven't seen 8 AM in a while this summer. I'm all about being productive, but this summer- I have been trying my hardest to relax! I am positive that I am in the minority....

I'm excited for camp to begin! Please make it a point to be here!!! Our first performance will be August 28th- THAT'S THE FRIDAY OF OUR FIRST WEEK OF SCHOOL! It makes our summer rehearsals so, so important.

We will be outside starting Thursday, July 30th. If you haven't started already- get your music memorized. If you have misplaced your music, make sure to check with the drum majors as soon as you arrive to not get in the way of our rehearsal time. We are always looking for everyone's best show!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Band, band, band, band.....


I hope everyone is enjoying their summer- because it is quickly coming to an end. I cannot believe how quickly this time has gone! It's true what they say about time flying.... It seems like only yesterday I was trying to get comfortable on an awesome black bus on it's way to New York City.

The 2009-2010 school year approaches with the 2009 Summer Marching Band rehearsals leading the way! Please make sure to get the word to everyone. I know how easy it can be to overlook summer days on the calendar, but these rehearsals are very important to our success as a group. I hate when I am surprised by someone's absence. It's always sad to lose time with someone.

Remember that we will be going outside in very warm weather and hot sun. There will be water provided, but I know how nice it is to have a bottle that comes with you out on to the practice field.

Please also note that all students will need to have a binder with plastic sheet protectors to hold charts and music on the field.

I am looking forward to the beginnings of a great musical school year!