Friday, April 10, 2009

State Large Group Results

Last week, the band performed at the Charles Johnson Theater for judges as part of the State Large Group Contest.

State Large Group provides ratings for all bands that perform that day. Judges grade the bands with a rating that ranges from Superior (I) to Poor (V). On their prepared literature on the stage, the band received ratings from 3 judges. These ratings were the highest that Benton has seen in 10 years! The judge for the stage performance gave the band two Superiors (I) and one Excellent (II). This gave the band an overall rating of Superior (I) on the stage!

As part of their overall rating, the band is also required to sightread a piece for a judge in a separate performance area. The piece this year proved to be difficult for most of the 4-A bands to play in our district. Benton was among the higher scoring bands with its Good (III) rating in the sight-reading room. This score is combined with the score on stage to provide the band's overall rating.

For the second straight year, the band earned an Excellent (II) rating overall! It was a well-earned score, but more importantly, it was a great music experience for everyone involved! The students should be congratulated for their artistic achievements!!!

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