Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jazz Band's Omaha Trip

I'm currently on the search for anyone with pictures from the Omaha trip that they would be willing to share on the blog.

From my perspective, Omaha was- once again- a smashing success! Boosters did a great job organizing, and the students did a great job representing the quality that exists in our room- both with their playing and professionalism. I was a very proud person this past weekend.

The jazz band received many, many positive comments from all of the judges. It was nice to hear the positive feedback! All of the judges commented on the amount of great musicality in the group. In addition, 4 members of the Cardinal Jazz Band were presented Outstanding Soloist Awards for the festival. These members were Jacob White on clarinet, Jordan Bullimore
on flugelhorn, Harry Christianson on trombone, and Ally Sexton on alto saxophone.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

More photos from Friday the 13th


This photo is of the jazz band performing for the St. Francis Xavier Valentine's Day Dinner/Dance. This was the second of 2 great performance opportunities that day. During this performance, the band was joined by Mr. Jason Kikoler on trumpet and flugelhorn. Mr. Kikoler has been a long-time friend of mine, and a great help to the Benton Band program over the years. I know I speak for all of the students when I express my gratitude to him for all his help, and especially for performing with us at the Dinner/Dance. It was a pleasure to listen to him perform on the two ballads that we played that night. We were all treated to some outstanding playing.

The gig at St. Francis Xavier was my first experience playing for a dance. The students and I were very impressed with the dancing going on in front. I couldn't stop myself from dancing along. It was a truly an event that I know I will remember for a long, long time.

Earlier in the day, members of the jazz band performed for a Community Action Partnership lunch. It was a smaller group of students, but the sounds were almost as great. The students received a standing ovation from the lunch. There were many compliments given to the students by various members of the audience afterwards.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Notes from the Podium- February 9th

Greetings to all from the bandroom!

Currently, the concert band is hard at work preparing for our District Contest performance in March. This is our only adjudicated performance of the year. We are well into solidifying pieces to be able to play every note and silence with meaning and thought.

Money for our New York Trip has come due. Please make sure to check with your student to see what we have covered, and please keep in constant contact with us about any problems or needs or your end. We have purchased our Broadway show tickets. This was a non-refundable purchase. At the moment, we are requiring all student to be paid through at least $400 of the trip. To be true to the payment schedule, technically all money should be in by the end of March.

The jazz band is swinging it's way towards our performance in Omaha, NE. Thank you to all participants in this year's Pancake Breakfast. I felt like it was a real success this year. The jazz band was able to raise over $500 for the trip. There were a lot of compliments about our playing. There were even compliments about the food!

This week is a big performance week for the jazz band. In addition to our performance in the MWSU Jazz Festival, we will be performing Friday for a lunch at MWSU and a dance at St. Francis Xavier. It's really busy, but I guess that is always the burden with realized musical talent- more people want to hear your playing. The band is playing really well, so the public has even reason to need to hear them!


This past Saturday, the jazz band performed as part of the Missouri Western State University Jazz Festival.

The students played a set of tunes for judges who provided a taped critique and also came on stage to work with the band in a clinic atmosphere. It was a great time with a lot of learning.

The jazz band received many great tips and compliments from the judges at the festival. There were awards presented for outstanding soloists in each group. The students in our band named Outstanding Soloists were Sam Stephan, Jordan Bullimore, Harry Christianson, and Ally Sexton.