Monday, February 9, 2009

Notes from the Podium- February 9th

Greetings to all from the bandroom!

Currently, the concert band is hard at work preparing for our District Contest performance in March. This is our only adjudicated performance of the year. We are well into solidifying pieces to be able to play every note and silence with meaning and thought.

Money for our New York Trip has come due. Please make sure to check with your student to see what we have covered, and please keep in constant contact with us about any problems or needs or your end. We have purchased our Broadway show tickets. This was a non-refundable purchase. At the moment, we are requiring all student to be paid through at least $400 of the trip. To be true to the payment schedule, technically all money should be in by the end of March.

The jazz band is swinging it's way towards our performance in Omaha, NE. Thank you to all participants in this year's Pancake Breakfast. I felt like it was a real success this year. The jazz band was able to raise over $500 for the trip. There were a lot of compliments about our playing. There were even compliments about the food!

This week is a big performance week for the jazz band. In addition to our performance in the MWSU Jazz Festival, we will be performing Friday for a lunch at MWSU and a dance at St. Francis Xavier. It's really busy, but I guess that is always the burden with realized musical talent- more people want to hear your playing. The band is playing really well, so the public has even reason to need to hear them!

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