Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This photo is of the jazz band performing for the St. Francis Xavier Valentine's Day Dinner/Dance. This was the second of 2 great performance opportunities that day. During this performance, the band was joined by Mr. Jason Kikoler on trumpet and flugelhorn. Mr. Kikoler has been a long-time friend of mine, and a great help to the Benton Band program over the years. I know I speak for all of the students when I express my gratitude to him for all his help, and especially for performing with us at the Dinner/Dance. It was a pleasure to listen to him perform on the two ballads that we played that night. We were all treated to some outstanding playing.

The gig at St. Francis Xavier was my first experience playing for a dance. The students and I were very impressed with the dancing going on in front. I couldn't stop myself from dancing along. It was a truly an event that I know I will remember for a long, long time.

Earlier in the day, members of the jazz band performed for a Community Action Partnership lunch. It was a smaller group of students, but the sounds were almost as great. The students received a standing ovation from the lunch. There were many compliments given to the students by various members of the audience afterwards.

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