Thursday, October 8, 2009


There is a big week coming up for the marching band next week. We will be performing in competition at two contests.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13TH- Benton will be performing in MWSU's Tournament of Champions. Our performance time is scheduled for 3:00 PM. We will be busing students from Benton to the warm-up field at 1:45. After our 3:00 PM performance, students will be dismissed from the photo site at about 3:30. There will be other bands performing that night including an exhibition from the outstanding MWSU Golden Griffon Marching Band prior to announcing the results.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17TH- The band will perform downtown as part of the morning MWSU Home-coming parade. After this, we will bus back to Benton for a short rehearsal prior to a quick lunch. In the afternoon, the band will be competing in the Missouri Day Marching Festival in Trenton. The band's performance time is scheduled for 4:15. Following its performance, the band will bus back to Benton. I am anticipating a 7:30 PM dismissal time.

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