Sunday, November 21, 2010

Benton Band Booster Newsletter- November 2010

Dear Benton Band Students & Parents,

Drumroll please…Thank you for a fantastic fall 2010 performance at the following events: Benton High School football games, Southside parade, Tournament of Champions Competition at MWSU, Trenton Missouri Day competition and the Veteran’s Day parade.

We would also like to acknowledge the students that played in the pit for the school musical: Marissa Hebb, Sean Sherlock, Mike Sewell, Felicia Branstetter, Sam Stephan, Sydney Hawkins, Andrew Collins and MC Dycus. These students participated in rehearsals and performances outside of the school day during November. In addition, we would like to thank Ms. Nelson and Mrs. Siasoco for also volunteering to play with our students to help out.

Congratulations to this year’s crop of All-District band members! This is the biggest group that Benton has sent to the All-District band in the last 15 years! Students receiving honors were Felicia Branstetter (1stchair Honor Band bari sax), Sydney Hawkins (1st chair Concert Band bassoon), Spenser Miller (4th chair Concert Band tuba), Mike Sewell (1stchair Concert Band tenor sax), and Sam Stephan (9th chair Honor Band trumpet. Students who placed in the Honor Band or were seated in the top 2 chairs in the Concert Band will be eligible to audition for the All-State Band on December 4th in Columbia.

The reason for the e-mail is to ask for the Benton Band students and their families to participate in our upcoming Winter Concert raffle fundraiser. Penny Sherlock, the Benton Band Booster President, will be sending home to each students raffle tickets to sell at $1.00 a piece. The items for the raffle will range from a

Benton High School t-shirt, MWSU hoodie to a black leather travel bag and more! Raffle ticket money will be due back to Mr. Siasoco on Tuesday, December 14, 2010.

Remember to mark your calendar for Monday, December 20th. The Winter Concert starts at 7:00 p.m. in the Benton High School auditorium.

Another way parents can assist in the Winter Concert fundraiser activities is to help get donations from businesses in the area. Charitable contributions can be in the form of monetary, product or services. Ie: Wal-mart card, gas card, food cards to a oil change.

Potential Donor List By Parent Soliciting a contribution:

Chick A-Fil, Paneras & Firehouse – Terri Glenn

Lil Caesar’s, MWSU Bookstore, Bode Ice Arena & Joe’s Service Station – Stacey Dasta

Casey’s – Shirley

Southbelt Wal-mart – Keith Harris

Kovac’s – Sandy Vandever

Other places of business: South Belt Bowling Alley, Taco Bell, Burger King, and Darcee’s School of Dance. Donations by other businesses are welcome.

To obtain a Donors Letter for potential business contributions please see Mr. Siasoco, Terri Glenn or Stacey Dasta.

Winter Concert Silent Basket Auction

We will also be hosting a Silent Basket Auction and have 4 theme baskets with goodies.

Each student can participate by purchasing an item for their grade level theme.

Please get your items at Wal-mart, Dollar Store or any other low cost store.

There will be a large box in the Band room to collect all of the items.

The Band Booster Committee members will put together the baskets the week before the concert.

Silent Theme Basket by Academic Year:

Freshmen Basket ThemeEntertainment for the Family: Inexpensive card games & board games.

Sophomore Basket ThemeBaking For the Holidays: measuring cups, spoons, mixing bowls, cake pans or cupcake pans, cookie sheets, spatula, cake mixes, frosting, oil, cupcake liners, foil, parchment paper, decorative gels, etc.

Junior Basket ThemeSports: trading sport cards, keychain, mugs, hat, gloves, t-shirt, Pens and items with your favorite sport team logo on it.

Senior Basket ThemePet Comfort: Treats for a dog or cat, toys for pets, feeding dishes, leash, collar and other pet items.

There will be four baskets the night of the Winter Concert with paper to submit a Silent bid. The highest bidder will be the winner of the theme baskets. So bring your cash and your checkbook to the concert.

Contact: Penny Sherlock at 233-0425, Terri Glenn at 238-2526 or Stacey Dasta at 238-2659 for Winter Concert Fundraiser Information.

Upcoming Band Dates:

12/4/2010 All State Auditions in Columbia, MO

12/13/2010 Girls Basketball vs. Lafayette

12/20/2010 Winter Concert & Raffle at 7:00 p.m. Benton High School Auditorium

12/21/2010 Boys Basketball vs. Lafayette

Remember the fundraiser helps the Benton Band student with event expenses.

Happy Thanksgiving to the Benton High School Band Students & Families!

The Benton Band Booster Committee: Jeff Siasoco, Mallory Nelson, Penny Sherlock, Terri Glenn, Loretta Brown, Stacey Dasta and LaDena Williams

Monday, October 18, 2010

What Weighty Words Are My Students Learning?

Parents- we are studying a book entitled "The Weighty Words" in an effort to increase your student's vocabulary. All of these words have stories that help with memorizing a definition. PLEASE BE CURIOUS and make your student tell you the anything they remember about the following words:


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Band Booster E-mail

Hello Benton Band Students and Parents,
A huge praise goes out to the band students and parents who participated at the Aramark fundraiser dinner on Thursday, September 23rd. Also, thank you to the students helping out at the Volleyball concession stand.
You all sounded amazing at the game and it was so cool that the drum line stayed through the end of the game--it definitely added spirit and excitement and kept the crown engaged completely!!!
Fundraising Opportunities:
We may have another Catering Event on Thurs Sept 30--stay tuned!
Volleyball Concessions ---Mon, September 27, 2010, Mon Oct 4, Thurs Oct 7. Please contact Penny or Terri if you can work at the stand. The times are 4:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
at the Springer gym.
Burger King location on St. Joseph Avenue Monday, October 18, 2010 @ 4:45-7pm.
Upcoming Events:
Benton Band Booster Meeting on Thursday, October 7th at 7:00 p.m.
MWSU Homecoming Parade is on Saturday, October 9, 2010.
Meeting place and time will be discussed by Mr. Siasoco or Ms. Nelson.
The parade start time is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.
MWSU Tournament of Champions
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Bus will leave from Benton High School. Mr. Siasoco will provide the time of departure and arrival back to Benton.
Admission Prices at MWSU Tournament of Champions: General Public $7.00 per person
Seniors and 12 under the price is $5.00 per person
TRENTON FIELD DAY- October 16th - all day. Details from Mr. Siasoco
TASTY TUESDAY: This week Tasty Tuesday the theme will be Americana Deli.
The Benton Band committee members will make the students delicious turkey and cheese or ham and cheese deli style sandwiches on delicious Italian or French bread.
The sandwiches will be served with chips and salad.
We are asking for the following contribution:
Freshmen and sophomores - to donate $3.00 per student.
Juniors - to bring chips & dip, pretzels, doritos, etc.
Seniors - salad with their favorite dressing or a jar of your favorite pickles.
The money we collect from the freshmen and sophomores will help pay for the bread, deli meats and condiments.
Thank you everyone for your weekly contribution to Fundraising activities, practice & performance at the Benton Football game and your contribution to the Tasty Tuesday dinner meals.
Go Big Red!
Thank you!
The Benton Band Booster Committee Members

Saturday, August 14, 2010


We will be fitting you to a uniform on Tuesday, August 17th.

Seniors/Section Leaders can line up at 6:30 (You get first dibs on having a uniform that fits...)
Juniors begin at 6:50
Sophomores at 7:10
Freshmen at 7:30

If you are late, then you will be behind other people who reported on time. If you are early, you have to wait (learn to respect your elders...)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We are going to flip-flop the sectional days for Brass and Woodwinds.


BRASS SECTIONAL IS NOW July 27th from 1 PM- 4 PM in the Bandroom.


Don't forget FULL BAND REHEARSALS BEGIN JULY 29TH AT 1 PM in the Bandroom.

Section Leaders have been chosen. I will be calling you individually in the up-coming weeks before camp.

I can't wait to see you!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Oh my! It's almost time to begin. Be looking for this schedule to get to you via mail by next Friday.

TUESDAY, July 27th- Woodwinds 1 PM to 4 PM in the Bandroom
WEDNESDAY, July 28th- Brass 1 PM to 4 PM
THURSDAY, July 29th- Full Band 1 to 4
FRIDAY, July 30th- Full Band 1 to 4

MONDAY thru FRIDAY, August 2-6: Full Band 1 to 4
MONDAY thru WEDNESDAY, August 9-11: Full Band 1 to 4

Can't wait to get started!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Notes from the Podium- April 11th

Wow! A whole bunch of quality music-making has happened since my last post. Congratulations to everyone on great performances! I cannot express to you how proud I am of the music you have been making. It is nice that the ratings have been so high, but it's even nicer that we can sit back and appreciate the art that we create. The talent inside of the Benton Cardinal Bands is truly amazing. I know that Ms. Nelson and I always feel truly blessed in front of you, and we always enjoy the time that we get to work with you.

To make sure that your ratings are known to all-

Performances receiving an Excellent (II) rating at District Solo/Ensemble Contest were:
Danny Evans, trumpet solo
Zach Langdon, French horn solo
Taylor Snider, snare drum solo
Denise Stumpff, clarinet solo
Lindsay Williams, snare drum solo

Performances receiving a Superior (I) rating and qualifying for State included:
Benton Percussion Ensemble- Brittany Boggess, Keegan Cunningham, Taylor Snider, Morgan Wheeler, Lindsay Williams, Kyle Woodruff
Benton Sax Trio- Travis McClatchey, Ally Sexton, Mike Sewell
Benton Trumpet Trio- Jordan Bullimore, Danny Evans, Sam Stephan
Jordan Bullimore, trumpet solo
Ailing Oka, flute solo
Mike Sewell, tenor sax solo
Sean Sherlock, clarinet solo
Taylor Snider, mallet solo
Sam Stephan, trumpet solo
Lindsay Williams, mallet solo

In addition to this, the Benton Concert Band accomplished something very special. For your performance at State Large Group, you received the first overall Superior (I) rating that Benton has received for band in 17 years! I cannot tell you how happy everyone is for your achievement. Of course, I still feel that rating music-making is not a great practice- it sure is nice to get good ratings. Thanks for making the school band look even better on paper to people that do not get to hear you.

There is still so much to do for the rest of the school year. Please clear these dates below:

April 15th- Concert band plays for ROTC Review at Benton High School
April 22nd- Jazz band plays for Teacher's Recognition Dinner
April 29th-30th- Students qualifying for State Solo/Ensemble play in Columbia, MO
May 1st- Marching Band in Apple Blossom Parade as part of All-City Band
May 10th- Jazz Band Concert at Benton High School 7 PM
May 11th- Concert Band Concert at Benton High School 7 PM
May 18th- Band Awards Dinner
May 23rd- Band performs as part of Benton Commencement- 3:30 PM

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I was a week early for Pre-Contest Concert at Central High School.

Our Pre-Contest Performance is Tuesday, March 23rd not March 16th!!!!!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Notes from the Podium- March 2nd

We're about to get really busy again....

MARCH 11TH - Band Booster Meeting
MARCH 13TH - Jazz Band performs at NWMSU Jazz Festival
MARCH 16TH - Pre-Contest Concert at Central High School
MARCH 20TH - Benton Band Sectional and Olympic Day
MARCH 26TH - Solo/Ensemble Contest at Central High School
APRIL 8TH - State Large Ensemble at NWMSU
APRIL 22ND- Jazz Band performs at Teacher of the Year Dinner

At the next band booster meeting, we will be discussing a possible trip for next year's band. In addition, WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARENTS TO SERVE AS OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR'S BAND BOOSTERS! Please help us in these roles. This band benefits from having such a strong band booster organization. The boosters that we have for the band are the envy of most bands in the area.

In our quest to clean up the grades of band students, we currently sit at 24 F's total and 25 students with either an F or a D in one or more classes. Please check with your student about their grades. If you are concerned about your student's grades, please feel free to look them up via the Saint Joseph Public School website or just call I can fill you in!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Notes from the Podium- February 14th


Jazz Band is coming off a very successful performance at the MWSU Jazz Festival. I was very, very proud of the sound that you produced. I hope you were as impressed with the clinicians as I was. There was a lot of great information! It looks like we are down to the fun part- over-exaggerating our dynamics and style! We are moving past just playing the notes!

A quick look at the week ahead:

Monday- No school, but PEP BAND! Meet in the bandroom at 6:30.
Tuesday- No school, but PEP BAND! Meet in band room at 6:30. This is our senior night, so parents of seniors please make plans to attend. We will be recognizing you at this game. In addition, Pride of the Southside drumline will be playing a couple of pieces from the bandstand this game also.

Thursday- Bob Long jazz session will be happening at 6 PM. Also, PEP BAND- this will be our final game. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL SCHEDULE. Please let me know if you cannot attend ASAP.

Friday- NO pep band.
Saturday- JAZZ BAND TAKES OFF FOR OMAHA AT 7 AM. Come equipped with money for McBreakfast and road snacks. If you have not paid for your trip yet, please do that as soon as possible.

In case your student has not mentioned it to you, I am now able to access all of their grades on-line. In fact, all parents are able to do it now via PowerSchool. The band is working on improving all of our grades in all of our classes. We're all on the same team!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Notes from the Podium- February 4th

February 4th?!?!?! Sorry. More consistent updates to come.

The jazz band just finished its 3rd Annual Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to everyone that volunteered back in the pancake kitchen. I have heard wonders about the taste of your pancakes! Proceeds from the breakfast will be going towards the jazz band's trip to Omaha, Nebraska. Jazzers need to have sold 20 tickets to cover the cost of going. If you did not participate, we will need you to cover the cost of the trip out of pocket.

Dates coming up for the jazzers are:
Pep band games- February 8, 15, 16, 19
Missouri Western Jazz Band Clinic- Saturday, February 13th, 8 AM
Omaha Trip- February 20th and 21st

Please make plans to attend the band booster meeting on February 11th. It will be important to have parents coming to these meetings as we will be using them in the planning of next year's band trip.

Looking forward to seeing you!