Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Notes from the Podium- March 2nd

We're about to get really busy again....

MARCH 11TH - Band Booster Meeting
MARCH 13TH - Jazz Band performs at NWMSU Jazz Festival
MARCH 16TH - Pre-Contest Concert at Central High School
MARCH 20TH - Benton Band Sectional and Olympic Day
MARCH 26TH - Solo/Ensemble Contest at Central High School
APRIL 8TH - State Large Ensemble at NWMSU
APRIL 22ND- Jazz Band performs at Teacher of the Year Dinner

At the next band booster meeting, we will be discussing a possible trip for next year's band. In addition, WE ARE LOOKING FOR PARENTS TO SERVE AS OFFICERS FOR NEXT YEAR'S BAND BOOSTERS! Please help us in these roles. This band benefits from having such a strong band booster organization. The boosters that we have for the band are the envy of most bands in the area.

In our quest to clean up the grades of band students, we currently sit at 24 F's total and 25 students with either an F or a D in one or more classes. Please check with your student about their grades. If you are concerned about your student's grades, please feel free to look them up via the Saint Joseph Public School website or just call I can fill you in!

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