Sunday, February 14, 2010

Notes from the Podium- February 14th


Jazz Band is coming off a very successful performance at the MWSU Jazz Festival. I was very, very proud of the sound that you produced. I hope you were as impressed with the clinicians as I was. There was a lot of great information! It looks like we are down to the fun part- over-exaggerating our dynamics and style! We are moving past just playing the notes!

A quick look at the week ahead:

Monday- No school, but PEP BAND! Meet in the bandroom at 6:30.
Tuesday- No school, but PEP BAND! Meet in band room at 6:30. This is our senior night, so parents of seniors please make plans to attend. We will be recognizing you at this game. In addition, Pride of the Southside drumline will be playing a couple of pieces from the bandstand this game also.

Thursday- Bob Long jazz session will be happening at 6 PM. Also, PEP BAND- this will be our final game. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL SCHEDULE. Please let me know if you cannot attend ASAP.

Friday- NO pep band.
Saturday- JAZZ BAND TAKES OFF FOR OMAHA AT 7 AM. Come equipped with money for McBreakfast and road snacks. If you have not paid for your trip yet, please do that as soon as possible.

In case your student has not mentioned it to you, I am now able to access all of their grades on-line. In fact, all parents are able to do it now via PowerSchool. The band is working on improving all of our grades in all of our classes. We're all on the same team!

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